Friday, April 30, 2010

Fountain of Youth in Wine? Oh I Hope So!

In the past twenty or thirty years, there has been scientific studies of red wine, and it all began with the French. Despite a high fat diet and high consumption of alcohol, only a small number of these people suffer heart diseases compared to Americans.

The theory, red wine! Which has been undergoing through a variety of scientific tests from health and disease related issues, and now to the skin! It's been suggested that red wine contains the chemical resveratol that promotes anti-aging, allowing those to take it, look younger.

Experiments have been done on monkeys and researchers have noticed that the monkeys who are coming near to the end of their average lifespan of 27 year, and who have taken resveratol consistently look much younger, healthier, their coat is more shinier than the controlled monkeys which have not taken resveratol. In fact, fewer of the monkeys that took reservatol suffered arthritis.

So I might go to GNC and try it out!

To learn more click here.

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