Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Gettin Rid of those Dark Circles... Part 3

Now the past two posts I have blogged, I've criticized and ridiculed the products that claimed to be effective in decreasing puffiness or eliminating the dark circles under your eye. Well behold a product that I have found to work! Well at least to some extent... the Olay Age Defying Revitalizing Eye Gel. You might get half of your money's worth from this product which is better than getting no value at all.

Now you might not get the best results but little results are better than nothing. When I've used this product I've seen a small decrease in puffiness around and under my eyes. Dark circles faded just a little bit, and the skin around my eyes are a little more firm. I also like using this product because it nicely cools and soothes the skin around my eyes. A good product to use if you had a good cry from watching a movie.

I have bought this product repeatedly, however I do not plan to buy it again in the future.

In my opinion, if you want to purchase a product to prevent puffiness and dark circles around the eye, this may be a good product for you. However, if you are planning to buy this product to completely get rid of puffiness and dark circles, you should rethink about spending your money.

However, I haven't seen this product on the stores shelf lately, but you can still find it online. Just becareful of scams!

Come back for part 4 as I reveal my most favorite product for puffiness and dark circles under the eyes and especially for those days when I'm exhausted from the night before!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Gettin Rid of those Dark Circles... Part 2

Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew's Anti-Puff Eye Roller should just roll it's way off the self! I mean I never really had faith in any eye products but at least the products do DO something. This product however does NOTHING! If I wanted to put something cold on my eyes I'll just splash it with cold water and save myself $10.

I think they just put scented water into this little green tube. I've have used it plenty of times and experimented with it on days when my eyes were extremely puffy. However no results. My eyes were still left puffy, the ony thing the product did was just cooled my eyes but thats it.
It didn't even lighten up the dark circles that were under my eyes too. It did nothing!
But hey if you're in desperate need to soothe and cool your eyes and have money to just throw away this is just the product for you.
Anyone else use this product? What do you think of it? Did it work for you? Feel free to join in on the conversation.
Other than that, stick around for part 3...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Gettin Rid of those Dark Circles... Part 1

As I get older I begin to see those dark circles forming under my eyes and it is not attractive! It makes me look old, and at the age of 22 who is already been using anti-aging products, looking old is a something I cannot endure or gracefully accept. I'm even dreading turning 23 in the next couple months.

So what is a girl to do? How do I get rid of this under eye issue? What product works and don't? Do cucumbers really do the trick?

In my desperate need of finding a solution I have ran across a lot of products that don't work, including L'oreal Skin Genesis Eye Serum.

If you're looking something to get rid of dark circles this is not the trick. I'll but it on day and night and I just see the same dark circle under my eyes just sitting there refusing to budge. However, this product is not a complete waste, it does help with other eye issues that I've noticed.

If you've started to see very small premature wrinkles around your eyes this might do the trick. There are times when I wake up and I see a tiny wrinkle under my eyes, and yes I do freak out, but I've noticed if I put the eye serum right before I got to bed the tiny wrinkle disappears or is less visible. The only problem is when I do put this product on before I go to bed I end up waking up with crust all over and around my eye. And it is disgusting. It clings to my lashes and sometimes hard to wipe off without irritating my eye.

So in the end I wouldn't buy this product again, it was too expensive and the negatives out weighed the positives.

What products works or doesn't work for you? Feel free to put your two cents in!
Other than that, stayed tuned for part 2!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

AcneFree.. Literally!

So in my previous post I talked about ProActiv and how it didn't completely work for me. I still got the occasional pimple that looked like the size of Texas on my face. One pimple was just bad enough to get me locking myself in my house. If I had to go out in public I would end up looking down at my feet while I was walking, which wasn't a good idea since looking down at my feet gave me neck cramps and made me dizzy.

However, one lucky day while my mother was shopping at Giant Eagle, she found an inexpensive acne kit that claimed it was 2 times more effective than ProActiv. Given that the kit was only $10, it wouldn't have hurt to buy and try it. And so I did. Within a week of using AcneFree, my face had complete cleared up. I couldn't believe it nor did my mom.
AcneFree is my choice of product, which has a similar set up as ProActiv. It was so effective that my friend's boyfriend at the time, (who's acne was far worse than mine back then) also started using it. The best part was it was inexpensive and you did not have to order it online or by the phone. It is conveniently place at your local grocery store or drug store.

My favorite product of the kit is the Repair Lotion. This is the miracle worker of the whole kit. If I feel as if a pimple is getting ready to appear, I just dab a little bit of the Repair Lotion and mask it over the little bump right before I go to bed. By next morning the minor bump which could've been potentially a massive pimple is gone. What is left is a smooth, bump-free, pimple-free skin.

The only downside of this product is the toner. I'm not a big fan of AcneFree's toner because I don't believe it does anything. When I put it on I feel as though I'm just putting scented water on my face. So if you plan on buying this product try buying a separate toner.

Next topic... Shellsea commented on under eye dark circles.. so stay tuned and get reviews on products that claim to get rid of them.. or do they?

Friday, March 26, 2010

ProActive... Over Priced, Over Advertised, Over Rated

ProActiv, the product that could possibly have the most celebrity endorsements than any other product out there in the world. Which celebrity are they going to reel in next? How about Tiger Woods? They can use a tag line, something along the lines of "Get the Ladies to Line Up for You!" And besides, Tiger could probably use the endorsement deal since he's lost so many already. Anyway I digress...

First of all, I have to give credit to their marketing strategies because they did a good job of advertising their product. I really do believe that they are the first acne/facial cleanser to really push out ProActiv to the public, especially through TV. They have many celebrity endorsements, user reviews with before and after pictures, nonstop commercials, and infomercials. However, if I see another ProActiv commercial I will throw my shoe at my television. Enough already!

Not to get too carried away, the reason why I had to applaud their marketing efforts is because for a good two years of my life I had used their product. As a pubescent teenager going through hormonal changes, and in dire need of finding a solution to cure my acne, I bought into the whole idea that ProActiv would clear my skin. And did it? Maybe...

ProActiv did clear my skin to some extent. I did see a 70% decrease in acne, but I STILL HAD ACNE! I went from ten pimples on my face to three, but three is just as bad as having ten. Granted ProActiv did help clear up my skin, but it didn't clear it up completely. And that for me is not good enough as I am sure that nobody would be happy about having one or two pimples. If we all had a choice, we would choose to have no pimples at all.

So all in all, did ProActiv get rid of my acne? No. But did it help reduce my acne? Yes. Do I find it worth my money?... Well at 20 bucks a pop, which doesn't even include shipping or tax, no!

So what did I do to get rid of my acne and has only left my face pimple free? Stay tuned, as I reveal the product that freed me from the tyranny of acne...

But in the mean time, what do you think about ProActiv?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where Did Almay's Pore Minimizer Go?!?

Has Almay kill off their Pore Minimizer off their brand line? I have never been a big fan of Almay's products, however they have me hooked on this and I have my reasons :). Now I never found Almay's product to be effective and I didn't see any of my pores shrinking when I used this product. But just when I was about to throw this product in the garbage as another waste of money, I have found another reason to keep it.

For those who have extremely oily skin and the kind that last all day, this is the product for you. I suffer from excessive oily skin. Even after 15 minutes of washing my face, I begin to see shiny spots appear across my cheeks, the T-zone, nose, and chin. I have enough oil on my face that I could gas up my car for weeks! However, Almay's Pore Minimizer was the answer.

Although Almay's Pore Minimizer may not be effective in minimizing your pores (well at least for me) it is a great way to get rid of that shine. And get rid of it for hours! As long as I apply it after moistrizer and before makeup, I'll be shine free up to 6-8 hours. The best part was, it was only a couple of dollars.

As for now, I'll suffer a shiny face since Almay's Pore Minimizer is no longer sold around my area. What do you use to control your shine?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Put the Bar Soap Down!

Whoever said that they only use a bar of soap to wash their face and never have once break out is a lie! Other than that, they're probably just genetically blessed. And there is no just thing as a beauty potion or youth in a bottle. However there are products out there that work and unfortunately many that don't.

Welcome to my first and official blog where you can get the scoop on beauty products from those who claim to clear acne to anti-aging remedies that say will take years off your look. However, please do keep in mind that different products can produce different results for everyone. But if you want to get some insight on a product before you purchase it or put your own insight on a product, this is the place to be!